Release of MidasCpp 2022.04.0

We are happy to announce the new MidasCpp 2022.04.0 release. Just follow the instruction in the manual or directly go to our GitLab page to clone the git repository or to download the source code.

The release contains a few bug-fixes and as new features we include

Midas 2022.04.0

New Features

  • MidasCpp release executables will be stripped using the strip commandline tool, if available. This behavior can be disabled using the --disable-strip configure option.
  • Added TDMVCC[2] method (for 2-mode-coupled Hamiltonians) with option for autocorrelation function.
  • Adds new paradigms for forking new processes and running external programs. These new options can be set with the --spawn-paradigm command-line option. The default is the old way, fork_exec, where MidasCpp just fork's and exec's directly. The two new ways are fork_server and mpi_comm_spawn, using an external job server for fork() + exec(), or using MPI_Comm_spawn for spawning processes, respectively. This also adds a new exectuable distributed with MidasCpp, midascpp_fork_server which is the external fork-server, which should be running in the background on each node when using --spawn-paradigm=fork_server. (NOTE: mpi_comm_spawn paradigm is currently disabled).
  • Will now print some information on which MPI implementation and version is used in the .mout file, when using MPI.
  • Added man-pages for midascpp, midascpp_fork_server, midasutil, midasdynlib, and midastools executables.
  • Added --help and --version options to midastools and midasutil.
  • Added --enable-lto option to configure, which will enable Link-Time optimizations when compiling MidasCpp.

Minor Bugfixes

  • Fixed a bug which could cause integer overflow in ADGA-pes. Occured for large number of ADGA iterations and large systems.
  • Fixed a bug in the MPI implementation of the coordinate rotation schemes in MidasCpp, which would make the calculation stall.

Changed defaults

  • Moves vim, autocomp, template, and data folders to share/midascpp, as they contain static architecture independent data.

Let us know if you encounter any problems.
